Clang Handleiding
Deployteq User Guide
You probably have better things to do than reading the fine manual. How can we help you?
How do I configure my dashboard?
How do I modify my details?
Multi-factor Authentication
Manage your Database
How do I import a file?
Where can I find information for every contact?
How do I create a customer option?
How do I create a group structure?
Manage your Files
How do I upload an image to the File manager?
How do I use the FTP or SFTP option in the File manager?
What is the set-up of the File manager?
Creating E-mails
Working with an e-mail template
Creating your own e-mail template
How do I analyse the conversion of an e-mail?
⚡️Formatting AMP e-mails
Creating Landing pages
How do I create a Page?
How do I create a Page Template?
Using Pages in iFrames
Building Campaigns
How do I build a new campaign?
Campaign objects
How do I start, stop or restart a campaign?
How do I copy a campaign?