Paid feature

This is a paid feature, please check out the Datafeeds App in the store to access this solution. 

Impact on the sending speed

This Smarty solution can impact the sending speed of your email if a personalized feed is used within a batch selection or when the feed is too large in terms of data. An alternative is to preload the data into the data model beforehand and use it to display the information in the email.

Using the getJSON function, an externalJSON feed can be fetched when rendering the email. This can be used to display information such as branches, personalized product recommendations, or general product details within the email.


{{getJSON assign='<Name>' url='<URL>'}}


The following arguments can be used with this function:


The variable name in which the result of the feed should be made available.

urlThe URL to the JSON Feed



<!--{getJSON assign='jsondata' url=''}-->

<!--{foreach from=$jsondata key=key item=item}-->
   Name: {{$}}<br/>
   Nametype: {{$item.nametype}}<br/>