Welcome back!

What's new in this week's release

  • Push notifications for mobile apps can be integrated in all your marketing automation campaigns. You can send out push notifications in bulk, like "the sale has started", but as soon as we know which customer matches with what device we can also send out personalized messages from Deployteq. Not only can Deployteq push the messages for your customers, you can also react to the behavior your customer shows in the app.
    • The campaign object that comes with this integration now has two new exits (OnClick and OnOpen). You can use these exits to build more advanced follow-up flows. Combining these exits with campaign checkpoints, you can create an even more insightful dashboard in Analytics for push messages. In order for the opens and clicks to be correctly registered in Deployteq, the mobile app needs to send back specific events. In this manual, we explain what is required for this.
  • Our team has been working behind the scenes to enhance your experience with Deployteq and we’re almost ready to make the reveal. You can see for yourself by connecting with one of our consultants, or you’ll have to wait for the 5th of September when the reveal will be made at Deployteq Connect. Take a look at the sneak preview here!

In the spotlight

Do you like to push the limits (regarding webhook calls that is)? In this FAQ article, you’ll find all the relevant limits, quotas, and maximum allowed sizes related to a webhook call!

Deployteq Training

Would you like to expand your knowledge about Data, Profiles, or Campaigns? Or is there a new colleague starting soon who needs to quickly master the basics of Deployteq? Join one of our mixed training sessions! The following dates are scheduled for the next few months:

  • 2-day Basic Training: September 23 and 24
  • Campaign Training (4 hours): October 14
  • Profiles Knowledge Session (2 hours): September 19
  • Data Training (4 hours): September 16 | November 14

Read more information about the training sessions here. You will also find a link to register directly. Of course, a customized training session for you and your colleagues is also possible. For that, please contact your account manager or email trainingen@deployteq.com.

We wish you a great week!

Release date: 2024-08-25