Receive data from your other systems

Many applications include a webhook functionality which is used to send data to a specific URL in order to create an easy link. This app ensures that you can receive and store the data. In a few simple steps, you can create a URL for your webhook. Send a one-time request with the right data and start linking the fields to Deployteq fields. Whatever is written there, as long as it is in the standard JSON format, Deployteq can read it.

With this integration, you also get the campaign object ‘Start on Webhook’. This allows you to redirect the customer to a campaign when the data is received and stored in Deployteq. This can be an order confirmation or abandoned shopping cart.

For more information, example calls and interfaces, please check our manual.

Webhook Pro can only be used in conjunction with Webhook. Installing Webhook Pro will remove the daily limit of 50.000 requests on the current brand for all webhooks.