Do you want to followup the behaviour of your customers through the right app? Or create segments based on behaviour? With this integration you can retrieve all email, push, in-app, inbox and SMS activities on customer level by using our REST API.

To start using the REST API you also need the Oauth 2.0 App to be able to authenticate with the REST API.

Retention until 1 year

The Analytics Events API returns events until 1 year in the past.

Installation in the store

In the store you can easily activate the app. This will ensure that the REST API will be available for the specific brand.
Screenshot 2023-02-09 at 10.44.49.png

The wizard contains only 1 step which is giving the financial data for invoices from Deployteq.

Oauth 2.0 app configuration

The analytics event API demands Oauth2.0 authentication based on Client Credentials. This can be configured through the Oauth 2.0 app in the store. Go to integrations > Apps and create a new app:

This will open a dialogue for setting up a new app connection. Fill in the form and confirm.


The scope analytics events reading is necessary for retrieving the analytics events. This will be sent along when you start retrieving data from the Api as:


The Bypass url is needed to finish the Oauth flow and to receive the “authorization code”.

After confirmation the Client ID and the client secret will be shown only once, this information is required to set up the API connection.

Client Secret

The client Secret will be shown only once. In case that the client secret is forgotten, a new app connection needs to be setup to obtain a new Client Secret.

The Client Credentials can be used to request a token from Below an example how this looks in Postman.

Screenshot 2023-02-09 at 14.19.14.png

Analytics Events REST API

With the Analytics API it is possible to call events between a preset start and enddate. You will be able to retrieve data from march 1st 2022 and you can retrieve data from the past with a maximum of 12 months.


Response Events API
    "total_count": 36,
    "_links": {
        "current": ""
    "data": [
            "bounce_category": null,
            "bounce_code": null,
            "bounce_type": null,
            "brand_id": 54,
            "brand_name": "Deployteq Testomgeving",
            "broadcast_event_sub_type": "CAMPAIGN",
            "broadcast_event_type": "EMAIL",
            "broadcast_id": 6631,
            "broadcast_manual_options": {
                "CustomerCount": 10,
                "data": "Campagne mail"
            "broadcast_metadata": {
                "language": "nl",
                "selectionId": "623862315"
            "broadcast_timestamp": "2023-01-28T11:31:41+01:00",
            "broadcast_type": "MAIL",
            "campaign_id": 17,
            "campaign_name": "Daily send",
            "campaign_object_id": 3,
            "content_id": 593,
            "content_name": "Wekelijkse nieuwsbrief",
            "customer_email_address": "",
            "customer_id": 103,
            "email_address": "",
            "email_address_override": 0,
            "email_domain": "",
            "external_id": "42560",
            "ip_address": null,
            "link_id": null,
            "machine_generated": false,
            "mailing_type": "promotional mail",
            "metric": "broadcasts",
            "metric_id": 0,
            "metric_timestamp": "2023-01-28T11:31:41+01:00",
            "original_content_id": 528,
            "original_new_content_id": 378,
            "portal_id": 1746,
            "portal_name": "Deployteq",
            "subject": "Test email 2023-01-24",
            "test_mailing": 0,
            "ua_brand": null,
            "ua_clientinfo_engine": null,
            "ua_clientinfo_engine_version": null,
            "ua_clientinfo_name": null,
            "ua_clientinfo_short_name": null,
            "ua_clientinfo_type": null,
            "ua_clientinfo_version": null,
            "ua_device": null,
            "ua_model": null,
            "ua_osinfo_name": null,
            "ua_osinfo_platform": null,
            "ua_osinfo_short_name": null,
            "ua_osinfo_version": null,
            "url": null,
            "url_unrendered": null,
            "uuid": "148a0d9b-e138-4b9b-89e3-3c37a8f5d53b"
            "bounce_category": null,
            "bounce_code": null,
            "bounce_type": null,
            "brand_id": 54,
            "brand_name": "Deployteq Testomgeving",
            "broadcast_event_sub_type": "CAMPAIGN",
            "broadcast_event_type": "EMAIL",
            "broadcast_id": 6631,
            "broadcast_manual_options": {
                "CustomerCount": 10,
                "data": "Campagne mail"
            "broadcast_metadata": {
                "language": "nl",
                "selectionId": "623862315"
            "broadcast_timestamp": "2023-01-28T11:31:41+01:00",
            "broadcast_type": "MAIL",
            "campaign_id": 17,
            "campaign_name": "Daily send",
            "campaign_object_id": 3,
            "content_id": 593,
            "content_name": "Wekelijkse nieuwsbrief",
            "customer_email_address": "",
            "customer_id": 103,
            "email_address": "",
            "email_address_override": 0,
            "email_domain": "",
            "external_id": "42560",
            "ip_address": "",
            "link_id": 24964,
            "machine_generated": false,
            "mailing_type": "",
            "metric": "clicks",
            "metric_id": 1374,
            "metric_timestamp": "2023-01-28T22:10:36+01:00",
            "original_content_id": 528,
            "original_new_content_id": 378,
            "portal_id": 1746,
            "portal_name": "Deployteq",
            "subject": "Test email 2023-01-24",
            "test_mailing": 0,
            "ua_brand": "Apple",
            "ua_clientinfo_engine": "Blink",
            "ua_clientinfo_engine_version": "",
            "ua_clientinfo_name": "Chrome",
            "ua_clientinfo_short_name": "CH",
            "ua_clientinfo_type": "browser",
            "ua_clientinfo_version": "109.0",
            "ua_device": "desktop",
            "ua_model": "",
            "ua_osinfo_name": "Mac",
            "ua_osinfo_platform": "",
            "ua_osinfo_short_name": "MAC",
            "ua_osinfo_version": "10.15",
            "url": "{{viewurl}}",
            "url_unrendered": "{{viewurl}}",
            "uuid": "bd6bf1cd-3a55-4f5b-9f98-a5ec341e52dd"
            "bounce_category": null,
            "bounce_code": null,
            "bounce_type": null,
            "brand_id": 54,
            "brand_name": "Deployteq Testomgeving",
            ""broadcast_event_sub_type": "CAMPAIGN",
            "broadcast_event_type": "EMAIL",
            "broadcast_id": 6631,
            "broadcast_manual_options": {
                "CustomerCount": 10,
                "data": "Campagne mail"
            "broadcast_metadata": {
                "language": "nl",
                "selectionId": "623862315"
            "broadcast_timestamp": "2023-01-28T11:31:41+01:00",
            "broadcast_type": "MAIL",
            "campaign_id": 17,
            "campaign_name": "Daily send",
            "campaign_object_id": 3,
            "content_id": 593,
            "content_name": "Wekelijkse nieuwsbrief",
            "customer_email_address": "",
            "customer_id": 103,
            "email_address": "",
            "email_address_override": 0,
            "email_domain": "",
            "external_id": "42560",
            "ip_address": "",
            "link_id": null,
            "machine_generated": false,
            "mailing_type": "",
            "metric": "opens",
            "metric_id": 1487,
            "metric_timestamp": "2023-01-28T22:10:36+01:00",
            "original_content_id": 528,
            "original_new_content_id": 378,
            "portal_id": 1746,
            "portal_name": "Deployteq",
            "subject": "Test email 2023-01-24",
            "test_mailing": 0,
            "ua_brand": "Apple",
            "ua_clientinfo_engine": "Blink",
            "ua_clientinfo_engine_version": "",
            "ua_clientinfo_name": "Chrome",
            "ua_clientinfo_short_name": "CH",
            "ua_clientinfo_type": "browser",
            "ua_clientinfo_version": "109.0",
            "ua_device": "desktop",
            "ua_model": "",
            "ua_osinfo_name": "Mac",
            "ua_osinfo_platform": "",
            "ua_osinfo_short_name": "MAC",
            "ua_osinfo_version": "10.15",
            "url": null,
            "url_unrendered": null,
            "uuid": "766ef52a-4b54-4c38-9fa8-d4bdf9127fa5"


The following query parameters are supported in the endpoint;





The startdate of the events you want to retrieve from the API, with a maximum of 1 year in the past.

Format: YYYY-mm-dd


The Enddate of the events that you want to retrieve from the API.

Format: YYYY-mm-dd


The possibility to limit the respons to a specific metric.

  • broadcasts
  • opens
  • clicks
  • short_links
  • bounces
  • complaints

The maximum amount of events that are shown in a response.

Maximum: 1.000


The offset of the events collection that is retrieved. 

Default: 0


If you filter on a specific metric, be aware that only the data within the specified time range will be retrieved. So if you retrieve the opens or clicks metric, these are not the total number of opens/clicks from the broadcast, but are limited to the registered opens/clicks within the specified time range.


The response of the eventsAPI always sends a ‘total_count’ of the found results. In the event that there are more events available besides the chosen limit, the element ‘_Links’ will be added to the endpoint for the current, last and next endpoint.

See the example below:

pagination example
    "total_count": 466,
    "_links": {
        "current": "[date_from]=2023-01-01&filter[date_to]=2023-01-25&limit=100&offset=0",
        "last": "[date_from]=2023-01-01&filter[date_to]=2023-01-25&limit=100&offset=400",
        "next": "[date_from]=2023-01-01&filter[date_to]=2023-01-25&limit=100&offset=100"
    "data": []

Data fields

Below you will find examples of the data fields in the response of the events API

Field name



bounce_categoryThe bounce category in case of a bounces metric
bounce_codeThe bounce code in case of a bounces metric
bounce_typeThe bounce type in case of a bounces metric
brand_idNumeric value of the brandid for which the events are retrieved. This value is unique per portal.54
brand_nameThe name of the brand, as set in the applicationDeployteq Testomgeving

Sub type:


Event type:

  • EMAIL 
broadcast_idUnique identification per portal of a email broadcast6631

Broadcast variables which are defined for the entire selection, these variables can be defined in the content. For example:

{{manual fied="Example"}}

   "CustomerCount": 10,
    "data": "Campagne mail"

Personal broadcast variables, these variables can be defined in the content. For example:

{{meta field="Example"}} 

    "language": "nl"


broadcast_timestampThe timestamp (date and time) of the broadcast: YYYY-mm-ddTHH:mm:ss+Timezone2023-01-28T11:31:41+01:00

Broadcast type:

  • MAIL
  • SMS
campaign_idUnique ID of the broadcasting campaign.17
campaign_nameThe campaign name within the applicationDaily send
campaign_object_idThe campaign object which is responsible for the broadcast, in case of a SINGLEMAIL the value will be 03

Unique content ID in Deployteq

* In the case of an email content, we would advise to use 'original_new_content_id' field to group data per content.

content_nameThe Name of the email content that is used in the broadcastWeekly Newsletter
customer_email_addressThe email address of the contact for which the email is rendered, this does not have to be the receiver of the email if an override is
customer_idBrand unique ID for the contactrecord in Deployteq103
email_addressThe email address of the receiver of the

This parameter lets you know if an override was set for the broadcast. A override can be set to test a broadcast. The email is rendered based on the selected contact. The broadcast eventually will be to the email address which is set as an override. 

0 → No override

1 → Yes, an override is set.

email_domainThe domain of the receiving email
external_idThe standard systemfield externalid in which for example your own CRM ID or GUID is stored in. 42560
ip_addressThe IP-address in which an open or clicks metric has taken place, other metrics the value for this will be set to null
link_idThe Unique ID of a link in the broadcast. This is only filled on a clicks metric.

A Boolean in which the status of an opens metric by a ISP (Machine generated) or an actual open by humans. 

  • true: Open is generated by a machine
  • false: Human interaction
mailing_typePer brand there are a couple of standard mailing types predefined, which can be expanded with more mailingtypes. Per Broadcasts a mailingtype can be selected to segment the broadcastspromotional mail

The Event metric output that can be limited with filters. Possible metrics;

  • broadcasts
  • opens
  • clicks
  • short_links
  • bounces
  • complaints

Total clicks

If the goal is to retrieve the total number of clicks from a broadcast, then the metrics clicks and short_links will have to be added together.



The date- and time of when the metric was registered; YYYY-mm-ddTHH:mm:ss+Timezone


original_new_content_idThe unique ID of an email content, which is also used in the interface when the content is opened. This ID can be used in your own reports to group the data per send content.
portal_idUnique Identification of the portal1746
portal_nameUnique name of the portalDeployteq

Subject of the broadcast
Important; only the subject of the metric broadcast will be shown completely rendered. the other metrics can contain Smarty tags.

Test email 2023-01-24

The status of the "Test" checkmark which can be sett during configuration of the broadcast.

  • 0: Test mailing is not set.
  • 1: Test mailing check in the checkbox is set
ua_brandInformation from the device, OS and browser in case of a opens or clicks metricApple
ua_clientinfo_engineInformation from the device, OS and browser in case of a opens or clicks metricBink
ua_clientinfo_engine_versionInformation from the device, OS and browser in case of a opens or clicks metric
ua_clientinfo_nameInformation from the device, OS and browser in case of a opens or clicks metricChrome
ua_clientinfo_short_nameInformation from the device, OS and browser in case of a opens or clicks metricCH
ua_clientinfo_typeInformation from the device, OS and browser in case of a opens or clicks metricbrowser
ua_clientinfo_versionInformation from the device, OS and browser in case of a opens or clicks metric109.0
ua_deviceInformation from the device, OS and browser in case of a opens or clicks metricdesktop
ua_modelInformation from the device, OS and browser in case of a opens or clicks metric
ua_osinfo_nameInformation from the device, OS and browser in case of a opens or clicks metricMac
ua_osinfo_platformInformation from the device, OS and browser in case of a opens or clicks metric
ua_osinfo_short_nameInformation from the device, OS and browser in case of a opens or clicks metricMAC
ua_osinfo_versionInformation from the device, OS and browser in case of a opens or clicks metric10.15

In the possible event of a clicks metric a personalised URL will be shown.

Important: The standard variable like {{viewurl}} and {{unsubscribe}} will be posted back as a smarty tag


In the event of a clicks metric, the not renderd URL will be shown, this will probably contain smarty tags

uuidUnique GUID for the event148a0d9b-e138-4b9b-89e3-3c37a8f5d53b


The API has been limited to 50.000 requests per day and per brand.


The following status can be returned in the API:

HTTP statuscode

HTTP message


Successful request


Bad request


403 Forbidden


Not found


Too Many Requests


Internal Server Error

Response  429 - additional information

To ensure the stability of our API, we have implemented additional rate limiting on our infrastructure. This rate limiting applies to the maximum number of calls per IP address or token.

For the REST API, there are two types of rate limiting, both of which are explained below. Rate limiting is used to regulate traffic from external systems and protect the Deployteq platform from heavy or sudden loads on the REST API and Deployteq systems.

Type: Number of Connections per IP

  • An IP address is allowed to establish a maximum of 20 connections per Deployteq proxy. The 21st connection will simply be rejected. Currently, there are four Deployteq proxies in operation, which in practice means that a single IP can establish a maximum of (4 * 20) 80 connections simultaneously. This rate limit is rarely reached but is in place for additional security.

Type: Number of Calls per Token or IP Address

  • A token is allowed to make a maximum of 25 simultaneous calls. This limit comes with a burst allowance, meaning that when the 25th call is reached, you can continue to send calls. An additional 100 requests beyond the initial 25 are accepted but processed at a rate of up to 25 at a time. If the number of calls in the queue exceeds 100, you will receive a 429 error. In addition to the 100, 400 calls can be submitted simultaneously. These are accepted but processed at a rate of up to 100 at a time.

Retrieving Checkpoint information

In addition to getting information regarding your broadcasts it is also possible to get information about checkpoint activity via the checkpoints endpoint.


Response Events API
    "total_count": 1,
    "_links": {
        "current": ""
    "data": [
            "brand_id": 1,
            "campaign_id": 1,
            "checkpoint_name": "test",
            "checkpoint_value": 1,
            "customer_id": 1,
            "portal_id": 1,
            "timestamp": "2019-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
            "uuid": "417ddc5d-e556-4d27-95dd-a34d84e46a50"

Checkpoint parameters

To further specify your results you have access to the following parameters:


The startdate of the events you want to retrieve from the API, with a maximum of 1 year in the past.

Format: YYYY-mm-dd


The enddate of the events that you want to retrieve from the API.

Format: YYYY-mm-dd

filter[checkpoint_name]NoThe name of the checkpoint as defined in the campaign object.
filter[campaign_id]NoThe ID of the campaign where the checkpoint is placed.
filter[customer_id]NoThe ID of the CRM record that passed through checkpoints. 
filter[uuid]NoThe GUID for the triggering of the checkpoint

Checkpoint data fields

In the checkpoints endpoint you will be able to retrieve the following data fields:

Field nameDescriptionExample
brand_idNumeric value of the Brand ID for which the events are retrieved. This value is unique per portal.1
campaign_idUnique ID of the campaign where the checkpoint is located.1
checkpoint_nameThe name of the checkpoint.Succes
customer_idWhen applicable, the ID of the customer that triggered the checkpoint.1
portal_idUnique Identification of the portal1
timestampThe date- and time of when the metric was registered; YYYY-mm-ddTHH:mm:ss+Timezone2024-03-04T00:00:00+01:00
uuidUnique GUID for the triggering of the checkpoint417ddc5d-e556-4d27-95dd-a34d84e46a50