Barcodes and QR codes that are redeemable both online and offline

Suppose it is your customer’s birthday and you want to send a discount code that is redeemable in both the webshop and in the physical store. You can do this! With this module, you can easily convert discount codes to barcodes or QR codes that can be read by your cash register system. Code128, EAN13, or another code: everything is possible! After activating the module, you can use a smarty code to show the barcode or QR code as an image in your email. In combination with the module code list, you can send everyone a personal barcode or QR code.

As an example smarty: 

<img src="{{customer|barcode:EAN13:png:3 field='externalid'}}" alt="EAN13 Barcode" />

<img alt="Website" src="{{''|qrcode:png:0:5}}" />

Please refer to our manual for more information.