This modifier allows you to convert a textual value into an MD5 hash:




md5 examples

{{* MD5 based on the word "deployteq" *}}
{{"deployteq"|md5}}  2ed17a027f5feb4cff9be00fc6c55b99

{{* MD5 based on the systemfield firstname *}}
{{customer|md5 field="firstname"}}  2ed17a027f5feb4cff9be00fc6c55b99

This modifier can also be combined with other modifiers, as shown in the example below using the truncate modifier:

md5 with truncate

{{* MD5 with an truncate of 5 characters *}}
{{"deployteq"|md5|truncate:5:""}} 2ed17
{{customer|md5|truncate:5:"" field="firstname"}} 2ed17