In Smarty, the foreach loop is used to iterate over an array or an object. The foreach loop can be combined with foreachelse to handle cases when there are no items to iterate over.
foreach, foreachelse
{{foreach $items as $item}}
No items found
The following arguments are available;
Argument | Description |
from | Specifies the array or object to iterate over |
key | Assigns the current iteration key to a variable |
item | Assigns the current iteration value to a variable |
name | Assigns a name to the current loop The name argument in the {foreach} loop can be used to access properties of the iteration, such as: - index: Returns the current iteration index (starts from 0).
Example: {{$smarty.foreach.<name>.index}} - iteration: Returns the current iteration count (starts from 1).
Example: {{$smarty.foreach.<name>.iteration}} - first: Checks if it is the first iteration (returns true or false).
Example: {{$smarty.foreach.<name>.first}} - last: Checks if it is the last iteration (returns true or false).
Example: {{$smarty.foreach.<name>.last}} - total: Returns the total number of iterations.
Example: {{$smarty.foreach.<name>.total}} - show: Returns the number of iterations visible on the current page (used with pagination).
Example: {{$smarty.foreach.<name>.show}}
See the example below in which a list of product-id's is used:
{{$producten = [6351,23122,392367]}}
{{foreach from=$producten name=products key=key item=data}}
<li>{{$key}}: {{$data}}</li>
<li>No products available</li>
<li>0: 6351</li>
<li>1: 23122</li>
<li>2: 392367</li>
foreach with sort and filter
In a foreach loop, you can use the modifiers sort and filter to sort the list/array of data or to filter specific information.
{{foreach from=$producten|sort:'product_id':'DESC'|filter:'category':'Jeans' name=products key=key item=data}}
In some cases, it might be desirable to know when the foreach loop is iterating through the first row of the list. This can be determined using the 'first' parameter, which will have the value TRUE when it's the first row;
$smarty.foreach.<naam foreach>.first
foreach first
{{$productlist = [6351,23122,392367]}}
{{foreach from=$productlist name=products key=key item=data}}
{{if $smarty.foreach.products.first}}
An overview of the available products:
No products available
An overview of the available products:
Returns the current iteration index, which starts from 0;
{{$smarty.foreach.<foreach name>.index}}
foreach index
{{$products = [6351,23122,392367]}}
{{foreach from=$products name=products key=key item=data}}
{{if $smarty.foreach.products.index eq 0}}
An overview of the available products:
No products available
An overview of the available products:
In certain cases, it might be desirable to know when the foreach loop is iterating through the last row of the list. This can be determined using the 'last' parameter, which will have the value TRUE when it's the last row;
$smarty.foreach.<naam foreach>.last
foreach last
{{$producten = [6351,23122,392367]}}
{{foreach from=$producten name=products key=key item=data}}
{{$data}}{{if NOT $smarty.foreach.products.last}},{{/if}}
No products available