Welcome back!

What's new in this week's release:

  • For the apps Azure, Webhooks, Maxxton, Nominow, Shoppingminds, Intershop, and Spotler Activate, a change has been implemented regarding the associated tokens. From now on, if you install one of these apps via the Store, the associated App token will no longer be created on your own user account. Instead, a general system user will automatically be created to which the App token will be linked. You can find this user in the user management section of the portal under Administration and recognize it by the name 'app token system user'. The name of this user can be changed, but the login name cannot.
    • The reason for this change is to prevent these apps from no longer functioning when the user account on which the token is created becomes inactive. For this reason, it has also been made impossible a while back to delete a user with an active token. For more information, see this FAQ article as well.
    • For existing active tokens, nothing will change at this time. The change only applies to newly installed apps. The next step is that we will also migrate existing active tokens to the new system user. When this happens, we will announce it in the release notes.
  • Do you use the Smart-run integration? With Smart Run, you send different mailings to small batches. After a predetermined time, Deployteq checks which variant performed best. This winning variant is then sent to the rest of the recipients. In this release, we have ensured that machine opens are no longer considered in the decision for the winner. Thus, the decision is once again based on actual customer activity.

Release notes overview Q2

Curious about what has been delivered in the past 3 months? Click here to for the Quarterly Release Notes overview for Q2!

In the spotlight:

  • Single-flow means that a campaign flow is executed per customer. With multi-flow, there is a selection of multiple customers. Most objects are suitable for both single-flow and multi-flow. There are exceptions that are only suitable for single-flow. This means that if a campaign is started in single-flow, only objects that support single-flow can be executed. The same applies to multi-flow. Read more about which objects behave differently and what to look out for in our FAQ
  • Would you like to learn more about how to set up a webhook, particularly the data mapping part? In the Deployteq Store, you will find a store item for our e-learning module 'Webhooks and Deployteq: how to make it work'! Here you will find the necessary information on how you can create your account in the Deployteq Academy and enrol in the e-learning module. The e-learning module is offered in both Dutch and English.

Deployteq Training

Would you like to expand your knowledge about Data, Profiles, or Campaigns? Or is there a new colleague starting soon who needs to quickly master the basics of Deployteq? Join one of our mixed training sessions! The following dates are scheduled for the next few months:

  • 2-day Basic Training: August 26 and 27  
  • Campaign Training (4 hours): August 12 | October 14
  • Profiles Knowledge Session (2 hours): August 15 | September 19
  • Data Training (4 hours): September 16 | November 14

Read more information about the training sessions here. You will also find a link to register directly. Of course, a customized training session for you and your colleagues is also possible. For that, please contact your account manager or email trainingen@deployteq.com.

We wish you a great week!

Release date: 2024-07-14