Welcome back!

What's new in this week's release:

  • In release 3.11.27, we introduced the new feature that made it posible to add notes to each of the columns in a profile. From now on, when you export or import a campaign which contains a profile, the corresponding profile notes will be in the import and export as well. 

Release notes overview Q2

In the spotlight:

  • What was the deal with App tokens, API tokens, and inactive user accounts again? Read all about it in this FAQ!
  • Would you like to learn more about how to set up a webhook, particularly the data mapping part? In the Deployteq Store, you will find a store item for our e-learning module 'Webhooks and Deployteq: how to make it work'! Here you will find the necessary information on how you can create your account in the Deployteq Academy and enrol in the e-learning module. This module, valued at €99, is completely free for you to follow until August 1, 2024! The e-learning module is offered in both Dutch and English.

Deployteq Training

Would you like to expand your knowledge about Data, Profiles, or Campaigns? Or is there a new colleague starting soon who needs to quickly master the basics of Deployteq? Join one of our mixed training sessions! The following dates are scheduled for the next few months:

  • 2-day Basic Training: August 26 and 27  
  • Campaign Training (4 hours): August 12 | October 14
  • Profiles Knowledge Session (2 hours): August 15 | September 19
  • Data Training (4 hours): September 16 | November 14

Read more information about the training sessions here. You will also find a link to register directly. Of course, a customized training session for you and your colleagues is also possible. For that, please contact your account manager or email trainingen@deployteq.com.

We wish you a great week!

Release date: 2024-07-07