Welcome back!

What's new in this week's release:

In this latest release, we worked on making the system future-proof and increasing its performance.

Let's Talk!

Which handy trick, tip, or feature in Deployteq do you use often and think more people should know about? Share your tips and hidden gems in the Let's Talk forum! Your fellow Deployteq users will thank you.

In the spotlight:

  • What does a 429 error response on your webhook call have to do with the daily limit of 50,000 calls per day per brand? Read all about it in this FAQ article on our Support Portal.
  • Would you like to learn more about how to set up a webhook, particularly the data mapping part? In the Deployteq Store, you will find a store item for our e-learning module 'Webhooks and Deployteq: how to make it work'! Here you will find the necessary information on how you can create your account in the Deployteq Academy and enrol in the e-learning module. This module, valued at €99, is completely free for you to follow until July 1, 2024! The e-learning module is offered in both Dutch and English.

Deployteq Training

Would you like to expand your knowledge about Data, Profiles, or Campaigns? Or is there a new colleague starting soon who needs to quickly master the basics of Deployteq? Join one of our mixed training sessions! The following dates are scheduled for the summer:

  • 2-day Basic Training: July 3 and 4 | July 29 and 30 | August 26 and 27  
  • Campaign Training (4 hours): August 12  
  • Profiles Knowledge Session (2 hours): July 18 | August 15  
  • Data Training (4 hours): July 15

Read more information about the training sessions here. You will also find a link to register directly. Of course, a customized training session for you and your colleagues is also possible. For that, please contact your account manager or email trainingen@deployteq.com.

We wish you a great week!

Release date: 2024-06-23