Welcome back!

What's new in this week's release:

  • It is now possible to add notes to each column in your profiles, similar to what you are used to in Campaigns. This new feature is a result of your votes on this request in the feature request list, so thank you all for voting!

  • In the HTTP-request object in the Campaign designer, there’s an option to configure the Authentication method. When this is set to 'Bearer Token' or 'Basic Authentication', a text input field appears that allows you to enter the token or password. This field has now been converted to a password-like input, so the value is not visible when (re)opening the configuration wizard.
  • Do you want to integrate your website or system with the Deployteq platform? Create transactional emails using the templates and tools you are accustomed to? Store customer and order data directly in the data model? With the Deployteq webhook receiver, this can be easily set up. But how exactly? In the Deployteq Store, you will find a new store item in the Contact Us section, for our brand new e-learning module 'Webhooks and Deployteq: how to make it work'! Here you will find the necessary information on how you can create your account in the Deployteq Academy and enrol in the e-learning module. This module, valued at €99, is completely free for you to follow until July 1, 2024!

Community Meet-up!

  • Reserve Thursday, June 6th for the first Deployteq Community Meet-up, an interactive ask-the-expert session. During this session, you can engage in conversation with our experts about your specific challenges or questions regarding setup. There is also the opportunity to network with other Deployteq users and exchange knowledge! You can read more about it (and sign up) here.

In the spotlight:

  • Do you want to improve your skills in setting up campaigns? Gain more in-depth knowledge about all the different campaign objects and how to best use them? Don't miss out and sign up for our Campaign Training on June 10th, which will take place at our office. This 4-hour session, focused on advanced campaign objects, provides practical examples and the opportunity to explore specific campaigns, elevating your skills to the next level.

  • Last Friday the 100th feature request was submitted via the Deployteq Community! Thank you Heleen! You will receive a nice token of appreciation from us. Since the start of the feature request list in November last year, 6 new features have already been delivered that were submitted as feature requests through this list. So, keep submitting your requests!

Did you know?

  • Did you know that with a customer record, you can easily see which criteria are behind the 'Mailable' status? And if a customer doesn't meet one of these criteria, and thus is not mailable, it's also clear which condition(s) it concerns? You can see this by hovering over the colored dot next to 'Mailable'.

We wish you a great week!

Release date: 2024-05-05