Welcome back!

What's new in this week's release:

  • This week has seen a significant amount of behind-the-scenes work dedicated to preparing upcoming new features. This includes the development of an e-learning module on webhooks, as well as the addition of a feature allowing users to add notes to profiles. So, stay tuned!

Community Meet-up!

  • Reserve Thursday, June 6th for the first Deployteq Community Meet-up, an interactive ask-the-expert session. During this session, you can engage in conversation with our experts about your specific challenges or questions regarding setup. There is also the opportunity to network with other Deployteq users and exchange knowledge! You can read more about it (and sign up) here.

In the spotlight:

  • Join the Community Roundtable session on Tuesday, May 7th! During this session, we will have an interactive discussion about your wishes and needs regarding the support portal, our manuals, our training, and your communication needs. In short, we need your input to further improve our service. Sign up here and join the discussion!

  • Do you want to improve your skills in setting up campaigns? Gain more in-depth knowledge about all the different campaign objects and how to best use them? Don't miss out and sign up for our Campaign Training on June 10th, which will take place at our office. This 4-hour session, focused on advanced campaign objects, provides practical examples and the opportunity to explore specific campaigns, elevating your skills to the next level.

  • We hope that the 100th feature request will be submitted via the Deployteq Community this week! The submitter will receive a nice token of appreciation from us. Since the start of the feature request list in November last year, 5 new features have already been delivered that were submitted as feature requests through this list. So, keep submitting your requests!

We wish you a great week!

Release date: 2024-04-28