
The tracking feature within Deployteq is designed to exclude people who do not wish to be tracked from being tracked within emails (think opens & clicks, for example). When the "Track" field is set to No for a contact, that contact will see all original URLs in the email and no tracking pixel will be loaded within the email itself. The Track function is similar to the setting of whether or not you can be tracked when visiting websites.

How does this work on customer level?

In the "details" tab, halfway down under the "Opt-in" settings, you'll also find the "Track" field.
This field is standard set to Yes". 

This field can be adjusted in Deployteq as you're accustomed to, through imports, pages, API, or simply manually in the Customer Record.

How does this work in Profiles?

Within Profiles, there's an object available called Track. This object is located in the library on the right-hand side under the "Customers" section. This object looks like this:

If you drag this object into your profile, you can make selections on "Yes" or "No".


What if the field is set to No?

If the "Track" field is set to No, this will have the effect on new sendings that no clickthroughs/shortlinks will be created for the recipient. They will now see the original links in the emails. Additionally, no tracking pixel will be added to the email itself.

For old sendings, this setting has no influence insofar as already registered opens and clicks remain visible. However, all opens and clicks in the future will no longer be tracked for these contacts.